When Mr.R went food shopping a few weeks ago I asked him to get me lots of fruit.
He returned with lots of fruit.
Amongst which was a lovely honeydew melon.
I don't really like fruit. No, that's incorrect, I like fruit - it doesn't like me.
So why did I ask Mr.R to buy me lots of fruit? I don't know. I think I was feeling run-down, so adding some extra vitamins etc. to my diet seemed sensible.
Anyway, fruit usually doesn't get eaten in our house. Not by us anyway. As I said, I like fruit, it doesn't like me. By which I mean it gives me tummy ache, bad skin, and generally makes me crave sweet things even more than I was before I ate the fruit - the sweet thing. So that's why I usually do not eat much fruit.
This lot of fruit did get eaten, by us, mainly me.
I don't think I've ever eaten so much fruit in such a short space of time, about a week or so.
The only thing I hadn't eaten was the honeydew melon.
It sat on a kitchen worktop for ages, easily a couple of weeks.
Mr.R kept reminding me that it needed eating.
I kept intending to eat it, but forgot about it most days, or just didn't fancy it.
Anyway, about a week ago I finally remembered that there was a melon waiting in the kitchen to be scoffed.
As we'd had it so long I was expecting it to be past its best when I cut it open, but it wasn't. It was perfectly ripe, oozing with sweet juice.
As the honeydew melon was quite a large one, and there's only two of us, 3 if you include Barley the Lurcher, it obviously wasn't going to get eaten in one day.
So I chopped the melon in to cubes (ish) and chucked the diced pieces in to a tub, which I put in the fridge. Two tubs actually. As I said it was a large melon.
Gosh this is rather a long post about a single honeydew melon, all be it a large melon, isn't it?
I'm beginning to wish I'd taken more photos of the melon, just to help break up this wordy post.
Honeydew melon isn't even my favourite type of melon. God knows how much I'd write about my favourite variety of melon.
I do sometimes envy people who get straight to the point, use the minimum amount of words, instead of rambling on and on about who knows what.
This blog post hasn't even got a point. But then I don't think most blog posts have a point, or not an important one anyway.
I shall ramble on until my eyes can't take the strain of looking at the laptop screen any longer.
So, melon, honeydew melon. Yes, I had one, I'd finally remembered to eat it, or prepare it for eating anyway, after it had sat neglected in the kitchen for far longer than I thought it would when I'd asked Mr.R to buy the fruit.
Hmm, I'm not sure it was sitting neglected. I mean, how much attention and care does a honeydew melon require? None, I would of thought. It's been cared for, given attention, as it has grown to its final edible stage.
If you're still awake at this point - wow! You may need to think about getting out more.
If not, then you're asleep, so you're not reading this, so...........
In a serious effort, and believe me it is an effort of some magnitude, to get this post finished, I am determined to stop rambling.
If you knew me you would know how my mind wanders, and how it is chock-a-block full of noise.
No, that's not correct, knowing me would not give you a complete picture of my loony mind, you would have to
be me to know exactly what's going on in my head.
Ha! I am clearly not doing well with my aim of putting a stop to my nonsensical rambling.
Focus! Focus!
Did I eat the melon?
Well, after all this blah blah blah, no I have yet to eat the melon.
It is, as I type, still in two tubs in the fridge.
I did nibble the odd sliver as I chopped the melon, you know the thin bits you can scrape off of the skin - if you're an anal melon chopper like myself.
Ooh, that doesn't sound pleasant. An anal melon chopper.
That conjures up an image of someone chopping a melon with their anus.
Oh crap! Oops, pun not intended.
I think the vision of a melon being chopped up by an anus says a lot more about me than it does about the melon. And how would you even chop a melon using your anus?
I don't think it's something I need to think about.
Oh dear!
Ironically I started this blog post because I thought it would be a short one. I mean what is there to say about a honeydew melon, not much, or so I thought.
I thought I'd write a couple of words, add the melon photos, and voila!
In fact I only wrote about the melon because I was going through the camera roll on my iPhone trying to sort out the images, saw the honeydew melon shots, and thought it would be quicker to post about them, than it would have been to continue with another blog post that I started yesterday, which if you think this is long - you'd be wrong. The other blog post is a lot longer.
Oh well, my intention was good. Must try harder to keep it short, and to the point.
Ha! Who am I kidding? I've always rambled on, both verbally and with the written word, ever since I started talking and writing, I very much doubt I'll ever change.
Look on the bright side, I think I've finally managed to control and no doubt better still stop my rambling, at least on this blog post anyway.
I think this is most definitely the time to say cheerio for now. The end.
As I do not want to be reminded of the anal melon chopping images, I am not going to read through this blog post to correct my spelling, grammar etc.
If my mistakes offend you, it is possible that you are a grammar nazi (I do not like that expression, but it seems to be what it's called, so I'm using it), and you probably need to put things in perspective, and you definitely need to get out more.
Honeydew melon.
Do you like melon? What's your favourite?