Friday 31 July 2015

Life and Cherries. Delicious Dark, Sweet, Juicy Cherries!

Life is just a bowl of cherries!

Life is just a bowl of cherries. 😊 #cherries #cherry #fruit #food

While he was out shopping Mr.R bought some cherries from a local greengrocers.
They were seriously good, big, dark, sweet, and juicy. Delicious!

Eating the cherries reminded me of the phrase 'Life is just a bowl of cherries!'
It's actually a song lyric, I think, an oldie from the 1930's originally sung by Ray Henderson, and lots of others stars have sung it too - Judy Garland, Rudy Vallee, Doris Day.......

Oops, this isn't a blog post about a song, or who sung it, it's about cherries.
We're don't usually eat much fruit, but we do enjoy cherries.
I mean, we like fruit, it just doesn't particularly like us - we're more savoury food lovers.

We love 'em!
Are you a lover of cherries?
They are perfect delicious little bite-sized delights aren't they?

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