Monday, 20 October 2014

Bodyweight Exercises, No Equipment Needed

Bum and Tum, bodyweight exercises.

Four exercises using just your body weight.
One minute per exercise, so only four minutes in total. Easy peasy, lemon squeasy.

I don't particularly enjoy exercising.
I mean I don't mind doing it, but it's not my favourite thing in the World.
That's mainly because deep down I think I have to exercise for hours to make it worthwhile. And that it's not worth doing if I've only got a few minutes free time to get up and move.

Body weight Exercises.  No equipment needed.  Health.
Wall sits. 
Stand with your back to the wall, feet about two feet from the wall and lean back against it.  
Gently slide down the wall until your thighs are at a 90 degree angle to the floor. 
Contract your abs, and hold the position for 60 seconds.

Lately though I've noticed there seems to be a proliferation of short, easy to do, exercise routines, being shared on various places online, that only take a few minutes to do.

Deep down I may think it requires hours and hours of exercising, and lots of sweat to actually do the body good, but being the contrary person I am - deep down I know that that's not true.
Exercising for hours may be good for you, but just doing a few minutes throughout your day is also good for your health.

Body weight Exercises.  No equipment needed.  Health.

Body weight Exercises.  No equipment needed.  Health.
Walk Outs.
Start on all fours in a high plank position, then walk your feet towards your hands.
Then walk your hands away from your feet, then walk your feet towards your hands, and so on.....
Continue walking your feet towards your hands, and your hands away from your feet for 60 seconds.

Often people give the same standard reasons why they can't exercise, these are usually variations of -
I haven't got the time.
I can't afford gym membership.
I don't have any proper equipment in my home.

I'm sure we all know, deep down, that there are simply excuses not to do any exercise.
None of the reason above are good reasons not to exercise, if you want to of course.
I'm not saying you must exercise.
I have been known to tag my photos on photo-sharing app Instagram #YogaEveryDamnDay or #YogaEveryBlessedDay despite not actually doing yoga every day. Naughty me. ;)
So, I don't claim to be some serious fitness freak, exercise guru, or expert in any way.

Body weight Exercises.  No equipment needed.  Health.

Body weight Exercises.  No equipment needed.  Health.

Body weight Exercises.  No equipment needed.  Health.
Walking Lunges.
Start standing tall. Step far forward with one leg, while lifting up on to the ball of your back foot. Bend your knees, and drop your hips towards the floor. Do not let your back knee touch the floor, or the from knee got too far forward over your ankle. 
Press up with your front leg, and bring your back leg forward. 
Take another step with opposite leg and repeat.
Continue walking lunges for 60 seconds.

Right, so back to the proliferation of short, easy to do, exercise routines that seem to be everywhere online at the moment, they are my favourite things to do - apart from lazing on the sofa and messing about on IG.
Why do I like them so much?
Well, I'm glad you asked dear reader, I like 'em because they require absolutely no equipment.
They simply make use of your own body weight, which is my case is a lot.

Body weight Exercises.  No equipment needed.  Health.

Body weight Exercises.  No equipment needed.  Health.
Lean Backs.
Exactly what is says, lean back while in a kneeling position.
Tense your abs, lean back as far as is comfortable. Then lean forward to your starting position.
Lean back, lean forward and so on.....
Continue for 60 seconds. 

I've uploaded a few examples of bodyweight exercises, by which I mean I quickly doodled the basic moves, and added the names of the exercises underneath my doodles.
I am better at exercising than drawing - I hope.

So, that's just four simple bodyweight exercise, that you can do in the TV advert breaks.
I hope I've written easy to understand methods, if not Google will help you.

Right, all this talk of exercise has made me feel like doing some myself.
I actually feel inspired to do the four exercises I've mentioned in this post, by which I mean I'll get up off the sofa, and walk to the fridge where I'll grab a couple of dark chocolate digestives.
What?! I can't help it, the tasty chocolate treats are calling my name. Can't you hear?
Do you enjoy exercising?
Have you tried bodyweight exercises?
What do you think about bodyweight exercises? Yay? Or nay?

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