Wednesday 1 October 2014

David Cameron Speech, Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham

David Cameron has spouted a lot of nonsense during his speech at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.
No surprises there.

There are so many points about his speech that I disagree with, but I can't write them all down on this blog post because it's all way too depressing.
Dave really is an eejit. It is quite scary knowing that he is running this country.

Maybe I should have just uploaded this video of David Cameron and his speech?
It is worth watching - it is excellent!

But I felt like ranting, so here are some of my thoughts and opinions on this topic.

The main trouble with politicians, and I do mean all politicians, no matter what party they are from, is that they simply have absolutely no idea about the everyday lives of anybody who isn't sucking on the teet of Westminster.

One of the main things that David Cameron said during his speech was to do with the unemployed.
He said they will not receive any money unless they go to the jobcentre, update their CV, and accept the jobs they are offered.
He really is a muppet.
That idea may sound like a good one to Dave and his cronies, but in reality it's idiotic.
How will people afford to pay for their accommodation, be it a mortgage or rent, pay their bills, buy food, clothes themselves, and pay transport fees to get them to a job that will no doubt not pay a living wage.
These jobs he is thinking of are obviously, zero hour contracts and minimum wage. You won't know from one shift to the next if you've still got a job. And you won't be entitled to a pension, holiday pay, or any of the other protections that a full-time job offers.

David Cameron also said that his welfare reforms have been working, because 800,000 less people are signing on.
What a joke!
That's funny when you consider that 50% of all social benefits (excluding child benefit) go to those who are employed.
Plus to justify his statement that 800,000 less people are signing on, the government simply manipulates the way they calculate the figures. It's not rocket science. They can make any figure for their agenda, for any topic, on any given day.

David Cameron spoke about the young unemployed, saying those aged 18-21 won't be able to claim any benefits at all. They have two options, employment or education.
How does Dave expect these people to live, when education is not free in England, and they may have attended schools in run-down areas where they were not provided with the means to further their education.
And as for employment, what about if they live in an area where there really are no jobs for under-educated and unskilled people?
I live in such an area. There are so few jobs, that even highly educated and qualified people, who find themselves made redundant, are unable to find employment.

David Cameron.  I no artist - clearly.
A quick doodle of David Cameron. I'm no artist - clearly. I just wanted something to break up the text.

The Tory party, but not just the tories but all parties, have done such a good job at demonising the unemployed in this country - it is shameful, sickening.
For example, you only have to read the Daily Mail (which I admit I do occasionally look at online, because I find the readers small-minded, bigoted comments seriously amusing) to know what a terrible picture has been painted of the unemployed.
The headlines are always along the lines of, Benefits Scroungers, Layabouts, Drunks, Junkies, or various other derogatory terms.
The media, and not just the wonderfully cheerful Daily Mail, likes to portray unemployed people as dirty, lazy, ignorant, alcoholics, who either sit around all day in their onesies watching Jeremy Kyle on their huge flatscreen TV's or spend all day sleeping off the copious amounts of cheap booze they buy with the benefit money.
It's a joke! Unfortunately, not a funny one.

The area where we currently live has very high unemployment.
And if David Cameron was forced to live here, I'm sure he would feel so depressed that he would feel like getting pissed every day, sleeping til noon, and watching crap TV.
It's bleak here. And you couldn't, or shouldn't blame people if they did choose to live their lives as the stereotype written about in the newspapers.
But my neighbours do not spend all day watching Jeremy Kyle.
Neither do they spend all day sleeping. In fact the majority of them rise very early, much earlier than we ever did when we had full-time jobs outside of the home.
The picture the press paints of people who claim benefits being happy to be unemployed is not an accurate one of what is really happening up and down this country.
I don't know anyone who is happy being unemployed. They are not living the high life, enjoying themselves with loads of free money courtesy of the government.
They are struggling, really struggling to live.
On more than one occasion we have had people knocking on our door asking for something as basic as a cup of milk.
The cost of living in Britain is high, it's astronomical.
Does Cameron, and the rest of Westminster, really believe that youngsters want to leave school, sign on, and then live on benefits for the rest of their lives?
Of course they don't. It's crap! Their lives are hardly full of joy. They probably feel totally alone, and have no hope for their futures.

I would love to see David Cameron and some of the other Westminster muppets come to this area, or any other like it in the country, and sadly there are lots of them, and live for a couple of months. Live on benefits.
Really experience how bleak life truly is.
Politicians really do not have a clue about real life. They are all so protected from life in Britain, that they can't even begin to imagine what life on benefits in a dead town feels like.
But then, why should they even bother to try and imagine what it feels like? They don't care!
It's as simple as that. They couldn't give a toss about the people who pay their wages.
Cos even people on the dole, pay the wages of the over-privileged muppets in Westminster.
We all pay an obscene amount of tax in this country, whether it's tax from your wages, or indirect taxation on everything from catton-buds to cars, and electricity, gas, food, clothes, and everything we purchase.
It wouldn't surprise me if soon we are taxed for the air we breathe.

David Cameron laid out his plans to give benefit claimants a card that will be loaded with their benefit money.
So, basically people on benefits will only be able to purchase goods from businesses who will accept the card.
As no doubt, there will be a charge to pay by the business when accepting payment from the card, this will mean that only big businesses, such as Tesco and Sainsburys will be able to afford to accept the card.
So, lots of small businesses, such as independent grocers, and newsagents, who currently sell products to those living on benefits, mainly because they are local shops and within walking distance so the customers don't have to pay to travel to them, will make less money. And the benefit claimants won't be able to buy a pint of milk etc. unless they travel to a big supermarket.

Ha! Yes, big supermarkets in the UK. We all know exactly how much power they have over what the government does and doesn't do - a hell of a lot.
I'm certain the big four supermarkets are looking forward, rubbing their greedy hands together, at the prospect of people being forced to shop with them.

This card scheme is outrageous.
You may be sitting reading this with the opinion that people on benefits are scum, or maybe not - I'm not judging you, and that the government should dictate where they can spend their money, or should I say your money, as it seems a lot of people in this country think of benefit payments as the taxpayers money.
It is, but then so are the wages, and more importantly the expenses that the Westminster muppets are given. I say given, because to write 'earn' would not be true.
So, anyway, where was I? Oh yes, as a hardworking, tax paying, decent member of society, living in Britain, you may think it's a great idea making benefit claimants use a card, rather than actually giving them real money. But where will it end?
If Westminster successfully get this scheme up and running, which they probably will because we all moan about our government, but we don't go all French on them do we? We may grumble and complain about how we're all being shafted by our politicians, but we very very rarely get up off our arses and do anything about it.
Speaking of which, it may be the worry of us finally having enough of the way things are run, and getting out of our homes and doing something about it, that gave Dave another one of his plans which he also mentioned in his speech. The fight against terror, ISIS etc. new powers, blah blah blah....... What he really means is the government want to do all they can to ensure we don't rise-up against them. There are a lot of us, and they're scared of us, so they need more ways to control us, to take away our rights, what little of them we actually have left, and that's why he's banging on about abolishing the human rights act.

Listening to David Cameron speak at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham, it was clear to me that he is exactly like every other politician, from all of the parties, he's a liar.
He quite obviously knows that his time as the Prime Minister is nearly over, and so he's going all out to, in his mind at least, make himself look good, to make sure he isn't forgotten in the history books.
He reminds me of a ranting lunatic, and I should know, I mean look at what I've written so far - Grrr! My mind is racing, I'm seriously outraged by what Cameron has been doing and saying lately, and I can't express myself properly, so I'm ranting too. Hey-Ho, it is what it is.
Anyway, where was I - again? Oh yeah, David Cameron is sounding more and more deranged, he's trying to appear all hardline like Nigel Farage the UKIP leader.
I guess he thinks he may as well go for it, say what he likes, stir things up, as he's leaving Downing Street soon anyway.

I have quite obviously given up trying to keep this blog post on track, but hopefully it still makes some sense.
My mind is flipping from one topic to another, in a frighteningly scary fashion. I wouldn't be shocked if steam came out of my ears.
So, what else?
David Cameron also said this new card payment system for benefit claimants, and the fact that those aged 18-21 would not be able to claim money and then just sit about doing nothing, will save lots of money.
And that with all of the money he'll save he's going to create more jobs.
Who knew Dave had a sense of humour?
Create jobs?
He must be mad, surely?
And if he's not, then why wait? Why not create these much needed jobs right now?

The area I live in could do with some jobs, any jobs.
I live in an ex-mining town.
Years ago it was a thriving place where thousands of people worked really hard to provide for their families.
Then one day the mine suddenly closed. Literally. The bank on the local high street closed the same day, swiftly followed by almost all of the other businesses.
What happened next?
Well, nothing, nothing happened.
The mine closed. Almost everyone of working age became unemployed, because almost everyone of working age, worked for the mine.
So, the mine closed down, the bulk of local businesses left, and that was it.
The day the mine closed, the town died, and with it all hope for the local people and the community.
Thankfully the government care about their citizens though, because they made sure they created new jobs for the workers.
Oh no, what am I talking about? The government didn't care, they don't care, about anyone apart from themselves, so there were no new jobs, there was nothing. Absolutely nothing.
And even now, many years after the mine closed, there's still nothing here. There's been no investment in this area. Any money that does come from the government goes to the city, where it stays.
The rest of the people in the whole of this county, who desperately need help, receive nothing.

One more thing about David Cameron wanting to give benefit claimants a card instead of money, that feels so very wrong to me. It is a scary prospect. Where will it end?
After a while he will say that none of us can spend our money where we choose.
Maybe if you're receiving medication for high cholesterol you won't be allowed to buy cheese. It could happen.
It's all about taking away our freedom, and controlling us. It's all very Big Brother. And we should all be totally against it.

So, back to jobs, David, if you're so passionate about Britain 'being a country where all people are proud to live' where's the proof? Where's the proof of your passion for the UK. where?

As I said I was listening to David Cameron give his speech at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham, and it was when he got to his diatribe about the NHS that I stopped paying any attention.
It was then as he grew more and more red in the face, and his voiced got louder and louder, that I thought he really should have just kept his mouth shut through the whole of his speech. I think that would have been much much better.

I think I'm just about finished, for now. Hooray! I hear you sigh.
But before I go, I realise this blog post is very anti Tory, and that was not my sole intention, I have similarly strong, and negative opinions about all of the political parties in this country.
And one last thing, for those of you who think, like the average Daily Mail reader, benefit claimants are scum who don't deserve any of your compassion, I feel sad for you.
While there may be a small number of people who are on benefits, who don't live their lives in the way you think they should, I don't have a problem with them, and nor should you. Well, not yet anyway.
Maybe you should put them to the back of your mind, and instead concentrate on the politicians who rip us off. Or maybe the bankers? These people cost us far more than people on benefits.
I mean, the bankers behaved appallingly, and yet not only were they not punished for their crimes, they were praised; in the sense of getting away with their dodgy behaviour, keeping their jobs, and receiving pay-rises.
And as for the Westminster muppets, they make 'benefits scroungers' look like the Dalai Lama.
They work for us, it sounds unbelievable but it's true, technically the tax payers of Britain employ the politicians. We pay their wages. We also pay for their expenses, their accommodation, their travel, the fine wines that they quaff in the Houses of Parliament, etc. etc. etc.
I could go on, but this is already depressing so I'll say no more about the amount of money the government takes from us all. Yes, all of us. As I think I've already said, even people on benefits pay tax.
So, for me personally the government and bankers ripping us off and dictating how we live, is the most important issue for me, and people claiming benefits come a long long long way further down the list of scroungers. 

One last, last thing, I promise!
Why don't the government employ advisors? People who, unlike all of the politicians, actually do live in the 'real World'? Oh, silly me, they do employ advisors don't they?
I vaguely remember Mary Portas being employed as an advisor on the future of the high street.......
Mary is just one of a bunch of so-called advisors who the government supposedly employs to help them reach the common man on the street.
It's all ludicrous.
They should employ regular people, that is not to say that Mary Portas is not regular, and that she is irregular, I have no idea about Ms.Portas' regularity or irregularity.
But why don't they employ a dozen or so people, 'ordinary' members of the public, to aid them in the running of this country?
I suppose the answer to that question is that they don't want to know what we think. They couldn't care less what any of us think about anything - just as long as we all behave ourselves, keep coughing up the dosh, and allow them to live safe little lives in their ivory towers.

That is definitely it. I am finished.
I'm wearing a onesie, and I'm off to watch Jeremy Kyle on my huge TV.
I'm joking. I don't own a onesie. I don't have a huge TV. And I don't claim benefits.
But none of those things mean I am a better person than anyone else.
It's a serious shame that certain members of our society are openly and continually put-down by others who think they're better than them.
We are all one. Well, maybe excluding politicians and bankers.

The End!

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