Thursday 30 October 2014

Poached Pollock in a Coconut and Fennel Sauce, with Basmati Rice, Courgette, and Lemon

Brain food. 

Mr.R is the cook in our home, thankfully, as I don't particularly enjoy cooking. 
He prefers to be in the kitchen on his own, so I don't see much of him in the hours before lunch, because he's busy in the kitchen preparing and cooking our lunch. 

We eat our main meal of the day at lunchtime nowadays. 
We always used to eat our main meal for dinner, in the evening, but when we moved to France, for some reason we never felt hungry in the evenings, so we wouldn't eat anything all day other than lunch, which was usually a sandwich or something light. 
By sandwich, I obviously mean baguette - we were in France. Eating baguettes is the law. 

So, we swapped our main meal from dinner in the evening, to lunch - at lunchtime. 
Mr.R busies himself in the kitchen with all manner of things; grinding spices, chopping vegetables, making sauces, baking bread....... 
You name it, he does it, all in an effort to make us delicious, nutritious healthy lunches. 

I say effort, simply because that's how I view cooking, or anything that involves spending time in the kitchen. Mr.R says it's no effort at all, he says he enjoys cooking. And I enjoy the fact that he enjoys spending so much time making food for us. 
The way to my heart is most definitely via my stomach.

Yum! #blog #blogger #blogging © #food #lunch #whatieat #fish #pollock #turmeric #rice #basmatirice #basmati #courgette #fennelseeds #lemon #wine #whitewine #Glenelly #Chardonnay

This photo is of a lunch Mr.R made us a while ago. 
It was during the warmer weather, and it was very tasty.

Poached Pollock in a Coconut and Fennel Sauce, with Basmati Rice, Courgette, and Lemon
Mmm, delicious!
We had a bottle of Glenelly Chardonnay 2012 with our lunch.
It was a pleasant wine, and a change for us as we very rarely drink white wine. 
Are you a fish lover?
What's your favourite fish dish?

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